Friday Night Reads: J. Drew Brumbaugh
This week I'll be hosting my sixteenth #FriNightReads! It's where I read the first chapter from an indie author, live on my author Facebook page. This Friday I'll be live-reading from J. Drew Brumbaugh's fast-paced thriller War Party. In a world where dreams are belittled and apathy has become a staple, a young native-American teen proves that one unlikely hero can still make a difference. And now, more from this week's featured author:

How did you first start writing?
When I was a kid I used to tell stories to my siblings, a few of them got to be "family" favorites and as time went on they encouraged me to actually write them down. While I never did write any of the stories I used to tell, I did begin to write and the day I sold my first short story, I was hooked in a way that there was no turning back.

Why do you love it?
I love writing because I get to be all the characters, live vicariously through them and have their adventures. I have to admit, there's nothing like the feeling I get when a manuscript is finally finished and makes it to print.
More on Brumbaugh:
J Drew Brumbaugh lives in northeast Ohio where he spends his time writing sci-fi, fantasy and suspense novels, teaching and training at the karate dojo he founded, building a Japanese garden in his back yard, and taking walks in the local metro parks. He has six novels in print, a collection of short stories, is a contributor to an anthology of short stories and a co-authored children’s book. He continues to work on his next novel and seems to always have several stories in various stages of completion.
#FriNightReads is a collaborative live-read author
Ryan P Freeman hosts each Friday at Titlewave Books. The goal is to help bring talented indie authors into the spotlight where they can enjoy the exposure and delight they deserve. To watch this celebration of talented indie authors, simply pop over to Ryan's author Facebook, Friday nights at 7p MT.
Want to have your own book read on the show or help sponsor #FriNightReads?
- Just message me, Ryan P Freeman, HERE!