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Friday Night Reads: Virginia Elizabeth Hayes

This Friday I'll be hosting my thirteenth #FriNightReads starting at 7p MT on my author Facebook featuring Virginia Elizabeth Hayes' section of the newly released anthology Fractured Realities. It's a mind-bending alternate reality romp, featuring wildly creative sci-fi minds daring to explore the zany what-if's.

How did you first start writing?

Somewhere during third grade (1972), I noticed when I was assigned to write a story, the thinking about the story and the writing it down stayed with me. Something within that process made me less afraid of the walk home. Carrying the crinkly paper with my penciled words about mice on the moon or Olympics for ghosts, helped quell the terror that interacting with ‘adults’ brought. During the winter holidays, with less-writing-homework and more-adult-encounters, I started assigning myself stories to write, just so I could have that paper-thin shield between me and my ceaselessly terrifying childhood.

Why do you love it?

My favorite Emily Dickinson poem is: Love is anterior to life, posterior to death, initial of

creation and the exponent of breath. For me, my creative work is my personal ‘exponent of breath.’ It is the thing that makes my lungs expand. It is the thing that keeps my heart beating. I learned the hard way that I really cannot live a quality life without creativity. I believe that it has saved my life more than once, although some days, I wish it were slightly more voluntary.

More on Virginia:

Nationally and internationally published author/illustrator, Virginia Elizabeth Hayes has spent the last 4.5 years fighting with cancer, chemo, radiation, and oncologists. So far, all remain afraid of her. Please visit her Amazon author page HERE.

#FriNightReads is a collaborative live-read author

Ryan P Freeman hosts each Friday at Titlewave Books. The goal is to help bring talented indie authors into the spotlight where they can enjoy the exposure and delight they deserve. To watch this celebration of talented indie authors, simply pop over to Ryan's author Facebook, Friday nights at 7p MT.

Want to have your own book read on the show or help sponsor #FriNightReads?

- Just message me, Ryan P Freeman, HERE!


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