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A Blast From the Past...

This morning I started combing through old posts from one of my other blogs for a non-fiction book idea I have rolling around in my mind. Reading through them, it's like the me of then is a different person. Like I'm a library, and this is a book off a different shelf. Anyways, here it is, from back when Rienspel was barely written... enjoy:

"So, I've been trying to write this dumb fiction story for

practically five years now-

And a recent brush with some e-publisher friends of mine really got me thinking,

how much of all the pages and hours and cups of coffee and late evenings creating on computer screens and note books got me-

nothing publishable- not yet, at least...

some people- they get stories and get them out like bolts of lightning from clear, blue skies...

but for me it's always been a challenge to work out with my hands just exactly what my heart and mind feel.

Today, I had music on in the morning- just getting ready for another day at work at the radio station-

and I realized as I poured my coffee that maybe it wasn't all so much as writing the story as living it.

The goodness and rightness in the face of our starkest, darkest fears- all that I was trying to communicate via my words is something I can do now- today, through living life where I am.

I mean, let's face it- the only story we all really live in is real life, right?

What sort of character would I want to be?

Who would I stand for and how would the pages and pages of heart-beats sound like?

Sure, I'll still write my heart out (once my dumb writers' block goes away!)-

because, in the end, we do what we love in one fashion or another.

But maybe all I wanted to say, I can say this week. Or today. Or maybe even right now:

it's just this-

live like how you love- without reservation or fear-

get messy

be a hero

or a victim-

so long as you learn

and love

and sing the words out loud

like there's no tomorrow.


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