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What Rien witnesses one night will haunt his dreams…


Fresh from the horrors of a covert militia night raid, Rien stumbles into more adventure. Enter Nyrgen: home to wizened sages, tale-spinning travelers, and dangerous secrets. As the story-telling festival of Leunami approaches, more strangers are noticing the fiery Phoenix perched on Rien’s shoulder… and not all mean him well.


Every epic has its own humble beginnings… continue with Rien as he tackles the streets of Nyrgen in the second issue of the Rienspel series. Enter The Village – full of twinkling stars, curling wood smoke, and clandestine assassins.


Rien’s tale continues with the next installment of the Rienspel series: Rienspel, Issue III: The Rangers – OR – Read the entire series by snagging a copy of The Phoenix of Redd, Volume I: Rienspel.

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