Friday Night Reads: La Sheera Lee

This Friday I'll be hosting my tenth #FriNightReads starting at 7p MT on my author Facebook La Sheera Lee's Don't Forget to Shine. It's an empowering call for women everywhere to put more intention into their own self-love and personal discovery. Now, here's more from this week's featured indie author:

How did you first start writing?

I always had a passion for the written word. I have been writing stories and poems as

long as I can remember. I used to jot down short poems in my notebooks in elementary

school. Later, I would write stories in college. However, I failed to complete any of the


Much later in life, I started a book club and organized a literary event called Light!

Camera! Action! phenomenal (LCA). I was around so many great authors, that the writing muse

started to nudge my literary fingers. I started writing magazine articles. I loved

interviewing people doing phenomenal work in the world. Yet, I still yearned to tell my

own stories. Therefore, I wrote and published my own books.

Why do you love it?

I love to encourage and motivate other people. My current book is designed to help

women see the beauty in their own voices. Often, we as women, give up on our own

dreams, due to fears and being overwhelmed. It is my goal to inspire women to seek out

the best version of their lives. I want women to live a life that enriches their mind, body,

and spirit.

More on La Sheera Lee:

Award-winning blogger, La Sheera Lee, M.Ed., is a wife, mother, educator, podcaster,

moderator, and author. She is on a mission to help others to see the beauty of their own

voices. La Sheera, also known for her savvy as a social media strategist and influencer,

loves to help people connect the dots. She utilizes the power of social media to inspire,

inform, and educate on a global level. A native of a small city in Virginia, this Teacher of

the Year, realizes that success is leading the next person forward. She is a sister who

loves chocolate, a good book, and a nice beverage. You can hear her on Where your voice is heard. You can connect with her at

#FriNightReads is a collaborative live-read author Ryan P Freeman hosts each Friday at Titlewave Books. The goal is to help bring talented indie authors into the spotlight where they can enjoy the exposure and delight they deserve. To watch this celebration of talented indie authors, simply pop over to Ryan's author Facebook, Friday nights at 7p MT.

Want to have your own book read on the show or help sponsor #FriNightReads?

Just message me, Ryan P Freeman, HERE!
